Protection and indemnity association He is likely to die soon, so is a bad risk for an insurance company. 保护与赔偿保险协会他可能很快去世,保险公司很可能要支付赔偿费。
In the logistics times, the protection and indemnity insurance of carrier signing Contract with NVOCC will be affected in certain circumstances because of the existence of NVOCC and LCL ( Less than container load). 进入国际多式联运与物流时代的今天,集装箱拼箱业务以及无船承运人的存在,使得与无船承运人签订合同的海运承运人的保赔保险在某些情况下会受到影响。
Protection and indemnity insurance ( hereinafter referred to as P I insurance) contract is the contract which the ship owner, operator, or charterer insures potential liability risks arising from his ships to a P I Club. 保赔保险合同是船东、船舶经营人、租船人等就其所有或占有、经营、租用的船舶的潜在责任风险向保赔协会投保所成立的合同。